Technical Assistance Support
19 September & 14 November / Online
Procuring for Net Zero – Webinar series, Innovate UK Business Connect
Innovate UK Business Connect are hosting a series of sessions on Procuring for Net Zero, that will unpack upcoming changes to public sector procurement, procurement frameworks, social value and net zero in procurement for both the public and private sector.
Sessions are aimed at local authorities; however, businesses are welcome to attend and can benefit from the discussions.
- Local authority representatives The sessions are aimed at officers involved in the procurement process and also those who are indirectly involved who are looking to learn more about the process.
- For businesses Companies and organisations who are seeking to engage in public sector procurement with local authorities.
Please select which webinar you'd like to attend and register via the link below.
Procurement of Innovation: Best practice and tips
10:00 – 11:00 / 19 September 2024 / Online
The second webinar in this series will explore the basics of ‘Procurement of Innovation’. During the session, Dr Ian Brotherston, Interim Deputy Director for Innovation Funding at Innovate UK, will explore topics such as why you would want to procure innovation, the different types of procurement, how the Procurement Act will aid procurement of innovation, and the need for teamwork and planning. The session will also include a Q&A section.
Topics covered:
- What are the benefits of procurement of innovation
- Public Procurement of Innovation and Pre-commercial Procurement
- The importance of pre-market engagement
- Challenge-led procurement
- Pre-commercial procurement of innovation (Contracts for Innovation)
Driving Net Zero Outcomes with Procurement Frameworks and Dynamic Purchasing Systems
10:00 – 11:00 / 14 November 2024 / Online
The final webinar in this series will be led by Kristen Green, Head of Sustainability at Crown Commercial Services. During the session Kristen will provide an overview of procurement frameworks and dynamic purchasing systems explaining how they help streamline the procurement process for the public sector and advance progress towards decarbonisation targets.
Topics covered:
- What a framework and dynamic purchasing system is and how to select one
- How suppliers are chosen
- What protection do they offer for the buyer
- What are the benefits of using a framework or dynamic purchasing system
- How frameworks and dynamic purchasing systems can help advance progress towards decarbonisation targets
Fast Follower Visioning & Citizen Engagement Pilots
In August, Involve and their partners launched three 4-month long pilot projects with three of our Fast Follower local authorities. The aim is to pilot an innovative method for citizens to develop a vision for the future of their place, building on the assets that make each place unique. Rather than starting with 'net zero' or 'climate change', these visions will ensure the councils' net zero work is rooted in what matters to local people.
When the pilots come to a close in December, we will share a report for each place.
All Fast Follower local authorities can request this support. Get in touch with Emily at Involve if you would like to find out more!
The three pilot projects
Citizen Visioning in Gateshead
Developing a vision for Gateshead's energy future
Community Conversation in Blackpool
Developing a vision for what a climate-resilient Blackpool looks like
Community Conversation in Warrington
Young people refreshing the vision of the Climate Commission
Regional Energy Strategic Planner policy consultation, Regen
On 30 July, Ofgem launched the Regional Energy Strategic Plan (RESP) policy framework consultation.
We advise everyone to review the consultation as the proposed changes are a step change in energy system planning and governance, in which local authorities will have a greater role in planning a net zero energy system.
We will be taking forward discussions about the RESP via the Local Energy and Infrastructure policy working group. Regen will be responding to this consultation on behalf of the Net Zero Living participants - however we do also expect that several local authorities will also be writing their own responses, which we heartily welcome. In particular, our consultation response will focus on:
- Chapter 2: Laying the RESP foundation
- Chapter 3: Key building blocks of the RESP
- Chapter 4: Regional governance
On 18 July, Regen recorded a training session run with the Net Zero Living local authorities about the RESP. The recordings can be found here:
11:00 – 12:30 / 17 October 2024 / Online
The Liverpool City Council Glidepath to Net Zero Tool, Zuhlke Engineering & Liverpool City Council
Liverpool City Council have developed an Excel based tool to calculate predicted carbon emissions using baseline usage figures and carbon reduction projects. Zuhlke Engineering have been working with Liverpool to increase the usability of the tool so that it can be used to survey local businesses to gain an understanding of the net zero path for the area.
This workshop will provide the opportunity for any local authorities who wish to use the tool to learn about how it works and how to use it to collect data from their local area.
Zuhlke have also published an update to the Net Zero Living Data Guidance website. The guidance covers the following topics, and serves as background material for this event:
● How to gather and prioritise requirements
10:00 – 11:30 / 22 October 2024 / Online
An Introduction to the Investment Landscape and the Investor Mindset (Ipswich Re-Run), Bankers without Boundaries (BwB)
This training covers the first principles behind the makeup of the investor market and where they get their sources of capital from and on behalf of whom the investors act. This covers a review of the types of investors, and fundamentals of their process for investment decision making, the makeup of their mandate and a review of impact investing.
This session was designed in response to feedback from the initial engagement with Local Authority projects on a 1-2-1 level, through which it has become clear that capital introduction is a key motivation of and desired outcome of the Technical Assistance.
09:30 – 15:45 / 5 November 2024 / The Florrie, Liverpool
Innovate for Net Zero Living - Solutions Exchange, Innovate UK Business Connect
Empowering Innovation for a Sustainable Future
You are invited to join Innovate UK Business Connect and the Innovate UK Net Zero Living Programme to drive place-based decarbonisation!
🌍 Collaborate: We're bridging gaps between local authorities, businesses, and SMEs to ensure smooth communication and collaboration, overcoming differences in language and risk approaches.
💡 Innovate: Explore innovative solutions for achieving net zero, connect with key stakeholders, and gain insights into overcoming common challenges.
🚀 Empower Your Business: Equip yourself with the tools to engage effectively with the public sector and make a real impact
Places for this event are limited, so please register your interest to attend here, and Innovate UK Business Connect will be in touch shortly.
Pitch your net zero innovations! Apply to pitch now.
As part of the event, we are inviting SMEs, local authorities and researchers to present their cutting-edge solutions in one of these key areas:
1. Decarbonising buildings and estates
2. Greening transport systems
3. Advancing clean and efficient energy infrastructure
This 3-minute pitch opportunity offers invaluable insights into net zero innovations, local authority priorities, and insider processes that can give you a competitive edge.
If you are interested in pitching, please apply by 5 PM, Monday 14th October, and you will be contacted by Innovate UK Business Connect by Wednesday 16th October.
10:00 – 11:30 / 21 November 2024 / Online
Fireside Chat with Investors, City Science & BwB
An open and honest discussion with investors to explore what they look for when considering investments in decarbonisation projects. This is an opportunity to talk to investors about their role in the investment decision making process, the steps they take when looking for and appraising investment opportunities, and the things you can do to make your net zero project stand out.
The aim is to keep this conversation informative and enable you to ask questions on the topic of private sector investment and finance. This fireside chat will be an opportunity to discuss the general investment environment, and is not a pitching opportunity for specific projects.